8 may 2011

Bulawayo family

Little Gabriela and her band.

Bulawayo show
After leaving Messima's frontier, a devastating path wich separates two twin countries, Zimbabwe's highways are colourful streamers. Somebody is waiting for us in Bulawayo.
We arrive Lily's lodge when night is becoming silence, only some crickets seem to welcome us. A few minutes later, hall´s light turns on. Among garden flowers a woman comes, with such a smile as frank as moon's. Here comes Lily. Inside, her family is waiting for us. We get in, really tired after having travelled by bus more than twelve hours.   Tonight, we'll dream with Karen Blixen's novel, wich had helped us to understand and love Africa.

Lily, courageous mother
Our days in Lily's house were really happy. We felt at home, understanding  how African woman dignity is an example of fight and work. Little Gabriela`s smile is kept as a treasure in our hearts. Gabriela's pencil drawings decorate our study room's walls. Lily's house is a peaceful garden in a town with suffocates in time.

You may visit Lily's lodge and learn how to dream a free Africa.

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